Nuestra idea, desde que comenzó esta situación tan atípica, fue la de intentar dar la mayor "normalidad posible" en los hábitos y tiempos escolares de nuestros alumnos y alumnas. Por ese motivo, junto al cansancio acumulado que vamos arrastrando todos/as, días más largos y calurosos de calle,... a partir de hoy queda como sigue:
- Lunes: Mate y lengua
- Martes: English and Science
- Miércoles: Mate y lengua
- Jueves: English and Science
- Viernes: Mate y Lengua
We are in June and, as the school calendar stablishes, we are going to reduce the school timetable.
From the begining of this unusual situation, we thought of being as normal as possible in the children's school habits and times.
In addition, we realise that the tirednnes of all of us, the longer and hotter days, the possibility of going to the street...makes this decision a must. So from now on, the weekly schedule will be:
- Monday: Mate y lengua
- Tuesday: English and Science
- Wednesday: Mate y lengua
- Thursday: English and Science
- Friday: Mate y Lengua
The other subjects, will be covered as usual whether their teachers did not communicate it.