viernes, 17 de abril de 2020


Monday, 6th of April, 2020

Tenemos registrados los resultados en el programa Kahoot.

Tuesday, 7th of April, 2020

Necesitaremos que nos enviéis la foto del cartel que han elaborado con las preposiciones.

Wednesday, 8th of April, 2020





4. Necesitaremos FOTO de la manualidad y la descripción.

5. Quizz "I need my monster!"

  1. What did Ethan find in his room? A note.
  2. Who lives under his bed?Gabe.
  3. Who is the first new monster’s name?Herbert.
  4. Does Herbert have long teeth?No, but he has an overbite.
  5. What does Ethan need?A monster with claws.
  6. What is the new second monster’s name?Ralph.
  7. What does Ethan need from the new second monster?Scary claws.
  8. What does Ethan need that the new third monster stick out?Its tail.
  9. What is the new third monster’s name?Cynthia.
  10. What does Ethan need now?A well-clawed and menacing monster.
  11. What is the point of having a monster?To keep Ethan in bed.
  12. The fourth monster has a very long…tongue.
  13. Why is Ethan piky?Because he complains a lot.
  14. Why didn’t Gabe enjoy fishing?Because he scares fish too easily.
  15. Gabe makes Ethan…shiver.
  16. Gabe and Ethan are…made for each other.
  17. Gabe wants to nibble Ethan’s…pinkie.